Design And Analysis of Sub-Harmonic PWM Techniques For A Nine Level Modular Multilevel Inverter
Dr.R.Seyezhai[1] ,Sudarshan V.J.[2], Sunil Kumar M.[3] , Venkat Brama Vignash S[4].
Page No. 58-65
The Modular multilevel inverter (M2LI) is one of the latest and most promising topology of
multilevel inverters for high power applications. Several modulation strategies have been suggested
for this topology. The objective of this paper is to design and investigate a suitable control
technique for the prescribed topology, based on various sub-harmonic Pulse Width Modulation
(PWM) techniques. The design involves selection of various parameters of the power circuit such as
inductance and capacitance of the arm and sub-modules. Simulations have been performed for the
PWM strategies in MATLAB and the results are discussed and compared.
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