Hybrid Algorithm’s For Solving Optimal Reactive Power Dispatch Problem
K. Lenin[1], Dr.B.Ravindranath Reddy[2], Dr.M.Surya Kalavathi[3]
Page No. 74-82
In this paper, a new search Hybrid algorithm (HA) is proposed to solve the optimal reactive
power dispatch (ORPD) Problem. The ORPD problem is formulated as a nonlinear constrained
single-objective optimization problem where the real power loss and the bus voltage deviations are
to be minimized separately. In order to evaluate the proposed algorithm, it has been tested on IEEE
30 bus system consisting 6 generator and compared other algorithms reported those before in
literature. Results show that HS is more efficient than others for solution of single-objective ORPD
Key words: Particle swarm optimization, genetic algorithm, Swarm Intelligence, optimal reactive
power, Transmission loss.
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