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Journal of Applied Science And Research

2015 : VOLUME 3 : ISSUE 6

Abdominoplasty and prosthetic repair of large abdominal hernias Preliminary results of a prospective study

T. Nassim Sabah1*, K. Tourabi1, B. Abir1, M. Lakouichmi1, A. Abouchadi1 , R. El Barni2, M. Lahkim2, J. Fassi Fihri2, M. Ramraoui2, A. El Guazzar2, A. El Khader2, A. Achour2
Page No. 1-6

Effect of Salicylic acid on the shoot and root growth of two cotton varieties grown in semi-arid tropics of Nizamabad.

B. VidyaVardhini* & Y. Venkateshwarlu
Page No. 7-11

Tumor-parietal thoracic tuberculosis

OA. Afandi1,&, Y. Baiz1, Y. Msougar1 ,R. El Barni2, M. Lahkim2, A. Achour2
Page No. 12-15

Phytoplankton Comparative Studies of Polluted And Non- Polluted Ponds of Jammikunta & Huzrabad Mandals, Karimnagar, Telangana State. India.

G. Odelu
Page No. 16-24