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Prof. Rosamma Joseph
Page No.5-11


Nurses, nurse managers as well as nursing students experience burn-out and stress and this negatively impacts their performance which in turn results in poor patient outcomes. Emotional intelligence is a significant component which can help nurses and nursing students to achieve better outcomes in personal and professional life. Three models of Emotional intelligence are commonly employed which include Goleman’s EI performance model, Bar-On’s EI competencies model and Mayer, Salovey, and Caruso’s EI ability model. Emotional intelligence scores of nurses, nurse mangers and nursing students vary.  High EI scores are associated with reduced burn-out, academic performance, transformational leadership, clinical performance, job satisfaction, positive work environment and better retention. Improving emotional intelligence through training programs and adding it in the nursing curriculum can aid in positive outcomes.
Keywords: Emotional intelligence, nursing, nursing students, nurse managers, leadership, academic performance.

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