Quasi – zero – dimensional nanostructures: Excitonic quasimolecules
Sergey I. Pokutnyi[1], Petr P. Gorbyk[2]
Page No. 1-4
The review devoted to the theory of excitonic quasimolecules (biexcitons) (formed of spatially
separated electrons and holes) in a nanosystem that consists of ZnSe quantum dots synthesized in
a borosilicate glass matrix is developed within the context of the modified effective mass
approximation. It is shown that biexciton (exciton quasimolecule) formation is of the threshold
character and possible in nanosystem, in with the spacing between the quantum dots
surfaces is larger than a certain critical spacing.
Key words: excitonic quasimolecules, biexcitons, spatially separated electrons and holes, quantum
dots. .
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