Study on the Characteristics of Nitrogen Dioxide Pollution in the Atmospheric
Environment of Zhenjiang City
Zhen Meng,QingjieXie*
Page No. 1-11
This paper mainly takes NO2 in the ambient air of Zhenjiang urban area as the research object,
collects and obtains the NO2 monitoring data of the ambient air automatic monitoring station from
2016 to 2020, and studies the temporal and spatial emission characteristics of NO2 in different
regions. The main research results are as follows: In terms of time, the seasonal changes of NO2 in
five years are more obvious. The highest values of daily average concentration and over-standard
rate appear in winter, and the lowest in summer. The overall trend of average concentration is:
winter (45.4μg•m-3)>spring (39.2μg •m-3)>Autumn (37.6μg•m-3)>Summer (26.3μg•m-3); The weekly
change of NO2 pollutant concentration is not obvious, and the average concentration of each day is
basically the same; in terms of hourly changes , Reaching the lowest value in a day at 14 o'clock,
and reaching the peak at 8 o'clock and 20 o'clock, which can basically be regarded as a positive
"M" type change trend; the monthly change of NO2 pollutant concentration basically occurs in the
highest value of the annual NO2 pollutant concentration. In winter, the lowest concentration of NO2
pollutants mostly occurs in summer. In terms of space, the concentration of NO2 in Zhenjiang urban
area was significantly higher in 2016 and 2017, especially in the eastern part of the urban area,
which is mainly related to the distribution of Zhenjiang's industry. The NO2 concentration in the
central part of Zhenjiang city has a slight increase trend, which may be related to the increase of
private vehicles driven by economic development, which has led to an increase in vehicle exhaust
emissions. However, the concentration of NO2 in the environment of the western part of Zhenjiang
has eased. On the whole, the NO2 concentration in Zhenjiang urban area is low in the west and
high in the east, which is inevitable related to the economic structure of the city.
Keywords : Zhenjiang; nitrogen dioxide; photochemical reaction; temporal and spatial changes
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