Mrs. Divya Deepa H P,
Page No. 21-31
Coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) is an acute infection caused by Severe Acute Respiratory
Syndrome CoronaVirus-2 (SARS CoV-2). Covid-19 disease became pandemic in the year 2019 in a
short period. To prevent the spread of infection, numerous measures were undertaken like wearing
the mask, sanitizing, social distancing, compulsory lockdown, and getting vaccinated. These
measures haveconstituted problems for antenatal mothers and also midwives. Antenatal
management is an essential service to identify high-riskcasesand to have good pregnancy outcomes
concerning mother and baby. If antenatal management is detained for any reason may lead to
calamity;hence there should be no hurdle in antenatal management in this pandemic situation. This
article briefs about the standard recommendations laid by different organizations on antenatal
management during the Covid-19 pandemic. Pregnancy is not very adversely affected by the virus
butextra precautions should be taken to avert complications before they stem. The standard norms
of different organizations should be followed while caring for expecting mothers to ensure the safety
of antenatal mothers and also midwifery health personals. The present Covid-19 pandemic situation
should not retard the antenatal mother from receiving timely care and prompt management of highrisk
KeyWords : Antenatal mother, Covid-19, standard recommendations, management.
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