Bilateral medial medullary infarction (MMI): Typical “ Heart-
Shaped” on MRI
F.Aghrib*, A.Merzem, E .Kabir, O.Amriss, H.Belgadir, N.Moussali, N.ElBenna
Page No. 13-17
Bilateral medial medullary infarction has been considered a rare and severe type of stroke.Its
clinical expression is sometimes misleading, particularly in the case of isolated symptoms or
fluctuating initial progression. It may be limited to a contralateral hemibody motor deficit when the
involvement is limited to the bulbar pyramids. We present a case of a 44-year-old patient with a
history of type II diabetes on insulin, who had a left hemibody deficit. The MRI revealed a bilateral
MMI, taking the “Heart-Shaped” on hyper T2 signal, FLAIR and Diffusion with a low ADC.
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