Awareness regarding danger signs of newborn illness among postnatal
mothers admitted in selected hospital, Bangalore. With a view to
develop an informational pamphlet
Mrs. Kamatchi K
Page No. 13-17
A global rate of 19 deaths per 1,000 live births of neonates takes place in India. The main causes of
these deaths are the common preventable illnesses like Weakness, fever, Excessive crying, Vomiting,
Refusal to feed, Difficulty in breathing, Diarrhea and Jaundice. World Health Organization
encourages the active participation of caretakers in the treatment of infants. The involvement of
mothers and community health workers in the detection and assessment of the danger sign is very
important. It was therefore necessary to evaluate awareness of the mothers regarding the early
identification of danger signs to reduce the mortality of new borns. With this awareness, the
investigator had taken up “A study to assess the awareness of mothers regarding danger signs of
new born illness among postnatal mothers admitted in selected hospital , Bangalore with a view to
develop an informational pamphlet.”objectives:1.To assess the awareness of postnatal mothers
regarding new born danger signs.2.To find the association between awareness of postnatal mothers
regarding new born danger signs and selected baseline variables. Methods: The research designs
adopted for this study was a descriptive approach. The study was done in postnatal ward and
private rooms in SJMCH, Bangalore, which is a multi-specialty hospital with 1350 bed strength and
the postnatal ward has got 25 beds.98 samples were selected for the study using purposive sampling
technique. A structured questionnaire was used to assess the awareness of mothers regarding danger
signs of new born illness. The collected data ware analyzed by using descriptive and inferential
statistics. The statistical tools carried out for analysis were range, mean, median, standard
deviation, ANOVA and t-test. Results: The present study showed that the mean awareness score of
the postnatal mothers were 16.21 ± 4.97 with the mean percentage of 60.05%. The present study
showed that the median percentage of the awareness of the samples regarding fever, vomiting and
refusal to feed are 66.67% each, where as median percentage of awareness on diarrhoea, excessive
crying and difficulty in breathing are 50% each. The participant scored 100% in the area of
jaundice. The result of the present study showed mothers awareness on different danger signs of new
born illness are not associated with the age (ANOVA 1.39, p=0.256), Education
(ANOVA1.29.p=0.282),Occupation (ANOVA 0.29,p=0.743), Family income (ANOVA
0.99,p=0.375), Number of children (t test-0.60,P-0.544), Previous history of NICU admission in the
previous child(t test -0.15,p=0.877). Conclusion: The present study showed that there is necessary
to evaluate awareness of the mothers regarding the early identification of danger signs to reduce
the mortality of new borns.
Keywords : Danger signs, Excessive crying,Vomiting,Refusal to feeding, Difficulty in breathing,
Diarrhoea and Jaundice
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