Effectiveness Of Structured Teaching Programme On Knowledge
Regarding Stress Management Among Orphanage Adolescents In
Selected Orphanage Homes, Bangalore
Mrs. Navitha
Page No. 8-12
“I am only one, still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I
cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something I can do”.Adolescent is the period
between puberty and the completion of physical growth, roughly from 11 to 19 years of age. An
orphanage is an institution dedicated to caring for orphans and abused, abandoned, and neglected
children. Stress is a conscious or unconscious psychological feeling or physical situation which
comes after as a result of physical or/and mental 'positive or negative pressure' to overwhelm
adaptive capacities. The common causes of stress among children or bullying, lack of attention,
being ignored boredom, shouting and smacking, lack of parental authority, criticism, parents
expectations high, feeling controlled – no room for self-expression, allow to escalate, made to feel
guilty, to many responsibilities, sibling rivalry, divorce, problems in home, trauma, violence, sexual
abuse and grief. According to world report from UNICEF and HRW, It is estimated there are
between 143 million and 210 million orphans worldwide. The total adolescent orphans between the
age of 12- 17 years are 80.5%.India has more than 18 million children living on the streets.
Orphanages are filled with the abandoned.India has more than 18 million children living on the
streets. Adolescent orphans in India are 31000.Objectives:1.To assess the existing level of
knowledge regarding stress management among orphanage adolescents.2.To assess the
effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding stress management among
orphanage adolescents.3.To compare between pretest and post test scores among orphanage
adolescents.4.To associate the effectiveness of structured teaching programme in stress
management among orphanage adolescents with their demographic variables.Methods:Qualitative
study, a quasi-experimental study was adopted for the study. Sample size was 60adolescent children
living in orphanage. simple random sampling technique for the selection of the sample. structured
questionnaire schedule, lesson plan on stress management was structuredto collect the
data.Results:The pre-test score of the orphanage adolescents knowledge on stress management
reveals that majority 59( 98.3%) had inadequate knowledge and 1 (1.7%) had moderately
inadequate knowledge.The post-test scores of knowledge shows that there is a high mean score for
post test score when compared to pretest score. About 55(91.7%) of orphanage adolescents had
adequate knowledge, and 5 (8.3 %) had moderately inadequate knowledge. Conclusion:The study
revealed that the majority of orphanage adolescents had responded well after administering
structured teaching in managing their stress.
Keywords : Structured teaching, orphanage adolescents, stress management, knowledge.
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