Gastric schwannoma : a case report
Hicham BABA1, Jawad FASSI FIHRI1, Ahmed ELGUAZZAR1, Mohammed Essaid
RAMRAOUI1, Ahmed ZEROUAL1, Rachid AKKA2, Mohamed Amine AZAMI3, Mohammed
LAHKIM1, Ahmed EL KHADER1, Abdessamad ACHOUR1, Rachid EL BARNI1
Page No. 1-7
We report the case of an 81-year-old female patient in whom a submucosal tumor of the stomach
was incidentally discovered, labeled at the outset as a gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST), as it
was the most frequent and most "obvious" histologic type. However, the pathologist's conclusion
was completely different. This experience prompts us to keep in mind the other histologic types of
submucosal tumors of the stomach and the contribution of immunohistochemistry to distinguish
between them.
Keywords : Schwannoma, gastrointestinal stromal tumors, immunohistochemistry, surgical
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