BOUITHY Sabrina Nadia(1)MONGO-ONKOUO Arnaud(2,7), BAYONNE KOMBO Sophie(3,7), LOUMINGOU Jean Richard(4,7), EYENI SIMONOMO Tony(4,7), DIAFOUKA Merlin (5), FAYE Maria(6,8), FARRY KA(6,8)
Page no. 20-24
HIV infection is considered a chronic systemic disease and can lead to many complications, including kidney disease. The purpose of this work is to determine the frequency of kidney abnormalities in patients living with HIV and the associated risk factors. Patients and Methods: This was a cross-sectional, descriptive, multi-center study, conducted from July 1 to October 15, 2016 in the Department of Gastroenterology and Internal Medicine at the University Hospital of Brazzaville, the Infectious Diseases Department and Dermatology of the Talangai Reference Hospital, the 2 Specialized Care Centres for People Living with HIV at Talangai Reference Hospital and Brazzaville City Hospital. Included were all patients living with HIV over the age of 15, on antiretroviral therapy for at least 6 months, with regular clinical and biological follow-up. Study variables were: age, sex, leukocyteturia, hematuria, proteinuria, creatinemia, glomerular filtration flow, CD4 count. All patients benefited from urine analysis by the urinary strip, an assessment of kidney function by the serum dosage of creatinine, and the calculation of glomerular filtration flow by MDRD. Results: 304 patients were included, the frequency of renal abnormalities was 25%. The average age of patients with renal abnormality was 44 years-1.5 years with extremes ranging from 35 to 69 years. The sex ratio was 0.3. Among patients with renal abnormality, 13.49% had proteinuria; leukocyturia was present in 1.98% and hematuria in 0.99%. Kidney failure was present in 15.78% of patients. The number of CD4s below 200 cells/mm3 was correlated with renal abnormalities. Conclusion: This study shows a high frequency of renal abnormalities in patients living with HIV. A low number of CD4s was the associated risk factor. Early detection of kidney abnormalities is needed to prevent renal complications of HIV infection in people living with HIV.
Keywords : kidney abnormalities, people living with HIV, Brazzaville.
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