The Impact of Occupational Safety and Health Administration Practices (OSHAP) and OHSAS 18001 efforts in Malaysian Automotive Industry
Auni Fatin Nadia Chiek Desa2, Nurul Fadly Habidin1, Siti Norhafizan Hibadullah2, Nursyazwani Mohd Fuzi2, Farah Izzaida Mohd Zamri2
Page no. 47-59
Occupational Safety and Health Administration Practice (OSHAP) and Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series (OHSAS) 18001 standards become important to the Automotive Industry in Malaysia. The purposes of this paper are to identify the OSHAP and OHSAS 18001 and develop research model of the OSHAP and OHSAS 18001 efforts for Malaysian Automotive Industry. OSHA management practices can creates a decrease or an increase in certain measurement variables in organization. This paper is reviewed what OSHAP and OHSAS 18001 efforts and proposed structural relationship models using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) as recommended. Since this is a concept paper, most of the literature from the previous survey taken as a basic guide for this study as well as the construction of models of the relationship between the OSHAP and OHSAS 18001 Efforts is made. Next, the hypotheses can be generated based on the model of the proposed research and literature review. It has been shown that the OHSAS 18001 Efforts which acts as an intermediary for the Malaysian automotive industry can continue to perform to make the transformation OSHAP management system in the Malaysian automotive industry more efficiently and effectively in line with the industry to be the best among the competitors in other countries. Based on the proposed conceptual model and reviewed, research hypotheses are being developed. The research concludes with suggest future research work.
Keywords: OSHA Practices; OHSAS 18001; occupational injuries; unsafe workplace; continuous improvement; Structural Equation Model.
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