F.Belabbes, K.Benjouad, K.Gharbi, S.Oubaha, Z.Samlani, K.Krati
Page No. 30-33
Nephrogenic ascites is a clinical entity defined as refractory ascites, which complicates the
development of chronic end stage renal failure, often with hemodialysis, and which in practice has
sometimes very serious diagnostic and therapeutic difficulties. of this study is to specify these
difficulties, through a new observation. We report a case of nephrogenic ascites associated with
end-stage renal failure in a 42-year-old patient who had been on hemodialysis for 1 year and who
had consulted for exudative and leucocyte-free high ascites ascites diagnosed with ascites.
nephrogenic was retained after eliminating the other etiologies of protein-rich ascites (peritoneal
tuberculosis, peritoneal carcinomatosis, ascites infected with cirrhosis, Budd-Chiari syndrome,
hypothyroidism), the treatment was based on increasing the number of sessions hemodialysis with a
decrease in the volume of ascites waiting for kidney transplantation. We conclude that this entity is
rare, that its diagnosis is a diagnosis of elimination based on the exclusion of other causes of
ascites, especially exudative, that its treatment is based mainly on kidney transplantation and that
its prognosis is rather poor.
Keywords : Nephrogenic ascites; Chronic renal insufficiency; Hemodialysis
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