Plasmapheresis in severe form of HELLP Syndrome : interesting therapeutic
-clinical case and review of the literature-
Adil ZEMMOURI(1) , Abdelghafour EL KOUNDI(1) , Hicham EL FAZAZI(2), Mohamed
DEHAYNI(2) , Lahcen SAFI(1)
Page No.18-26
HELLP Syndrome is a pathology of the pregnant woman. It is defined by biological parameters
associating the triad: Acute haemolysis with anemia, thrombocytopenia and hepatocytolysis.
HELLP syndrome is a rare condition (0.6% of pregnancies) [1]... It can be serious because of acute
renal failure and the bleeding disorders it can cause. Maternal mortality is 2-40% and neonatal
mortality is 7-60%[2]. Serious forms require multidisciplinary care. The purpose of this observation
is to report the different current techniques that improve the prognosis of HELLP Syndrome in its
severe form.
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