Laboratory Evaluation of Some Disinfectants Used in Poultry Farms Against
Some Bacterial Isolates
Noha Ahmed*1. Hayfa Ismail1. Amal Mohammed2
Page No. 32-41
This study was designed to evaluate the effect of the four disinfectants; Quaternary Ammonium
Compound QAC (Vrocid), Iodine compound (Iocid 30), Formalin (Aldekol des o3) and H2O2
(Aquaclean) used by commercial poultry integrator against four bacterial isolates; Escherichia coli
(E.coli), Staphylococcus aeuraus, Proteus ssp and Pseudomonas ssp, and the effect of the heat in
relation to time on recommended concentration. This experiment consist of tow-parts; in the first
part these disinfectants were made in five concentrations one according to the manufacturers
recommendation, three were higher and one was lower than manufacturer recommendation these
concentrations were made in disk from filter paper. Five concentration of each disinfectant were put
in a plate contained the bacterial culture. The disc which was saturated by the recommended
concentration of each disinfectant was put in the middle of the plate contain bacterial isolates and
the lower and higher concentration was rounded. The plates were incubated at 37oC overnight and
then observed, the diameter of clear inhibition zone surrounded each disc was measure by using a
ruler. In the second part only the recommended concentration of each disinfectant was used, each
disinfectant was divided in four groups and submerged in a water bath at 37, 45, 50, 60oC each
group contained 4 tubes. The tubes were collected 5, 10, 15, 30 minutes after the starts of the
experiment, the disk was put inside the tube of each disinfectants then taken immediately and was
put in the plate contain bacterial isolates which were departed in 4 department. Incubated
overnight at 37 oC, then the plate were observed, the diameter of clear inhibition zone surrounded
each disk was measure by using a ruler. The laboratory evaluation indicated that H2O2, QAC and
Formaldehyde respectively was effective against E.coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Proteus ssp and
pseudomonas ssp while the iodine don’t show any effect. It was concluded that the disinfectant used
in this study was very effective and recommended to use in poultry house.
Keywords : Disinfectants, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aeuraus, Proteus, Pseudomonas, spp.
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