Treat AGRICULURAL DRAIN water for reuse needs using algae ponds
El Nadi, M.H.* 1, El Hosseiny, O.M.2 & Ashmawy, H.H.A.3
Page No. 6-14
The paper studied the impact of the direct disposal of Baloza drain on Suez Canal and tried to
prevent this pollution by tret the drain water with algae ponds to produce reusable water for
irrigation and fish cultivation. Six seasonal readings have been recorded in four locations along the
Baloza drain. Also, three seasonal readings have been recorded at the drain disposal point in the
canal. According to the previous measurements, the problem was found to be the salinity of the
drain is much lower than the canal, that affected the canal environment and stability. Also it is so
high to be reused. Accordingly, the study proposed solution for treatment of the drain water to be
suitable to be reused. The tried solution is by the use of algae ponds for desalinate the drain water
to be suitable for reuse in irrigation of crops or for applying in fish cultivation ponds.The solution is
succeeded to decrease the water salinity by 70% that lower its TDS than 2000 ppm which is suitable
for the two targeted purposes. The algae pond cost for the study drain was according to the used
pilot about 200,000 L.E. for construction and 100,000 L.E. per year as running cost.From the
technically, economically and environmentally comparison of the previous solutions, the optimum
solution for implementation is the first one.
Keywords: Drain water Treatment, Mixing ponds, Disposal Limits, Pollution Control, Cost
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