POPULATION (About 1000 peoples)
D. Erguibi1*, M.S. Rochd2, R. Boufettal3, S.R. Jai4 & F. Chehab5.
Page No. 5-16
Laparoscopic surgery has flourished in recent years in many surgical specialties: digestive,
gynecological and urological, minimizing the mimicry of laparotomic gestures too aggressive,
sometimes for pathologies so benign. In order to evaluate the knowledge, fears and quality of
information of the Moroccan population with regard to laparoscopic surgery, a survey was carried
out over a one-year period from 01/07/2005 to 30/01/06/2016 at the level of eight Moroccan
regions.The results of our survey showed that the Moroccan population is inadequate in terms of
laparoscopic surgery, risks and benefits. Also, many people have false information about the use of
laser or carbon dioxide. In order for celiac surgery, a topical technique that is promoted to a
definite future, to develop, this technique should not put patients at greater risk than those inherent
in conventional surgery. This will be done by respecting the technical and safety rules that govern
their practice and above all to inform the patient and therefore the general population about the
technique, its progress, its complications and above all its advantages in order to sensitize them for
easier access to care.
Keywords: Moroccan population- laparoscopy- indications- complications – laser.
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