Adrenal pseudocyst: An unusual abdominal lump
K. Lamii1*, A. Bellabah1, W. Hliwa1, F. Haddad1, M. Tahiri1, W. Badre1 , D.Erguibi2,R.
Boufettal2, R.S. Jai2, F. Chehab2, H. Tabakh3, N. Touil3, O. Kacimi3, N. Chikhaoui3
Page No. 17-21
Adrenal pseudocysts are rare cystic masses that arise from the adrenal gland and which are
usuallynon-functional and asymptomatic. Adrenal pseudocysts consist of a fibrous wall without an
epithelial or endotheliallining. We report a case of a young woman with a voluminous abdominal
mass revealed by a left hypochondrium pain. Histological examination revealed an adrenal
pseudocyst. Surgery is required for symptomatic cases in order to relieve the symptoms and in cases
of uncertain diagnosis.
Keywords: adrenal gland, pseudocysts.
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