Tuberculous spondylodiskitis : about 23 cases
Hasna JABRI* , Loubna QASSIMI , Wiam ELKHATTABI , Hicham AFIF
Page No. 1-8
Tuberculous spondylodiskitis is a violation of the intervertebral disc to tuberculosis. This is a rare
condition.Aims: of this study is to analyse the clinical profile, the contribution of radiological
assessment in the positive diagnosis of evil Pott, and bring different means of confirmation,
treatment and evolution of our patients.Methods: It is a study descriptive retrospective from
January 2000 to June 2015, we collected 23 observations of evil Pott in the department of
pneumology at hospital 20 August from Casablanca.Results: The warning signs are dominated by
spinal and chest pain. Eight patients had neurological signs. The diagnosis was made by the
detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis on direct examination and culture in the paravertébral
abscess in 7 (3%), by histological examination of discovertebral biopsy in 6 cases (2.6%), biopsy
another website tuberculosis in 2 cases and in front of a beam of radio-clinical arguments with
good evolution under anti bacillary treatment in 8 cases (3.4%). Surgical drainage was associated
in 5 cases (2%). The evolution was good in all cases.Conclusion: The diagnosis of Tuberculous
spondylodiskitis may be delayed in the absence of neurological signs, spinal imaging may allow
early diagnosis since the introduction of MRI. The prognosis is good when the treatment is early.
Keywords : Tuberculous spondylodiskitis, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, paravertébral abscess,
discovertebral biopsy
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