Dermatological manifestations of inflammatory Chronic bowel disease (IBD):
About 20 cases
Raphaël SIDIBE* (1), ImaneELHIDAOUI (1),Arnaud EYI(1), Zouhour SAMLANI (1),
Khadija KRATI (1),Sofia OUBAHA (2), Said AMAL(3)
Page No. 146-154
Introduction:The extra-digestive manifestations of chronicinflammatory bowel disease(IBD) are
frequent, theyprecede, accompany or are independent of this Gastrointestinal tract disease. Their
management is multidisciplinary, thus involving a Multidisciplinary approach of IBD with extradigestive
manifestations, but also informing Patients in order to draw their attention to anyunusual
clinical signs of this Digestive impairment, but also to ensure the proper compliance
treatments Proposed to treat these extra digestive manifestations. Patients and methods:This is a
prospective study of 20 cases of IBD with dermatological manifestations assembled within the
Gastroenterology and Dermatology Services of CHU Mohamed VI Over a period of 6 months (from
August 2014 to January 2015).Results:20 patients with dermatological manifestations coming
within the scope of study into the IBD, this includes 15 patients suffering from Crohn's disease (CD)
and 5 cases of Hemorrhagic Rectocolitis (HRC), meanage was 26 years with a sex ratio M/W of O,
66. We found 10 cases of Pyoderma Gangrenosum, 3 cases of erythemanodosum, 4 cases of sweet
syndrome, 2 cases of dermatitis Herpetiform, and only one patient had psoriasis. These
manifestations were observed with regards IBD out breakin 15 patients, they were accompanied
by IBD in Remission in 4 cases and were observed in a latent IBD case leading to its Diagnosis in
this case alone. All were treated with combination therapy for IBD and Specific dermatological
treatment. Evolution was good in all cases. Conclusion: In General, the occurrence of invalidating
dermatoses does not change the prognosis Of gastrointestinal track impairement of IBD. The role of
the dermatologist in directing patients towards gastroenterology during consultation when the
disease's first manifestation is on the skin is important.
Keywords : Dermatological manifestations ; inflammatory Chronic bowel disease
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