Analysis Nitrit of Sei Cow Meat in Kupang City
Apris A. Adu *1, I. Ketut Sudiana 2, Santi Martini 3
Page No. 43-49
Background: Se'i meat is one of the beef processed are made by way of smoked using wood embers
of kusambi (Scheichera oleaca), se'i has been known in the city of Kupang as one of the meat food
products. The processing of se'i meat require nitrite as a preservative to obtain good color and
prevent the growth of microbes. According to the regulations of Food and Drug Supervisory Agency
of the Republic of Indonesia number 36 of 2013, Nitrite use is permitted with a maximum limit of
use of 30 mg/kg, but in reality in everyday life obtained the use of nitrites usage exceeds the
threshold that has been set. This study aims to know the difference nitrite content in meat meat
processing company se'i between modern and traditional in the city of Kupang. Method: The study
was descriptive research laboratory tests. The Subjects in this study were se'i meat (smoked meat
typical Timor) and the object of study is two meat processing company se'i (smoked meat typical
Timor) traditional and cottage industry in the city of Kupang. Data analysis result of research done
descriptively and are presented in table and narrative. Result: se'i derived from traditional
industries and domestic industries have different nitrite content. The highest nitrite levels found in
se’i meat derived from domestic industry in the amount of 110.19 mg/kg and the lowest levels found
in se’i meat derived from domestic industry that is equal to 22.28 mg/kg. Conclusion: All samples
se'i meat derived from traditional industries and home industries containing nitrite in meat
processing se'i as a whole is the same. for traditional industry better prepared than the domestic
industry in terms of completeness of workers and conditions of business premises. Suggested to the
government to inform the regulations on the use of food additives and the dangers of using these
foods on health, especially on nitrite preservatives.
Keywords: DifferentialAnalysis, Se'i cow , Nitrite level.
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