Healing of neurotrophic corneal ulcer with autologous serum eye drops
Ahmed ALAMI1*, Amine BENJELLOUN2, Mohamed KRIET3, Karim REDA4, Abelkader
Page No. 52-57
Neurotrophic keratitis results from complete or partial denervation of the cornea and can be
complicated by chronic ulceration with the risk of perforation. The etiologies are diverse. We report
the case of a neurotrophic ulcer secondary to complete corneal denervation by lesion of the fifth
cranial pair with total regression under autologous serum eye drops. Such eye drops are easy to
prepare, but their use exposes to the risk of infection, which can be reduced by complying with the
rules of use.
Keywords: Neurotrophic ulcer; Fifth cranial nerve; Autologous serum eye drops.
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