M. Suhron
Page No. 41-51
Mental disorder is disturbances in thinking, volition, emotion, and action. The set of circumstances
that are not normal, either related to the physical, nor the mental. From the preliminary study result
obtained skill poor ability of families in caring ODGJ deprived in Healty Foundation Ya Bani
Amrini Tanah Merah Districts. This study was to analyze the ability of families in caring for people
with mental disorder is shackled before and after psychoeducation family in Healthy Foundation Ya
Bani Amrini Tanah Merah Districts. The method used Pre-experimental approach to one-group
pre-post test design, the independent variable family was psychoeducation therapy and the
dependent variable was the ability of families in caring for people with mental disorders deprived.
The population was as many as 30 families with mental disorders in Healthy Foundation Ya Bani
Amrini Tanah Merah,District the instrument of data collection using questionnaires. The results of
the data analysis were presented in a frequency distribution table. The test statistical of this
research was Wilcoxon α =0.05. Based on the results, it has been gotten the ability of the family
before the family psychoeducation with the results mean 21,6 and after being given family
psychoeducation with the results mean of 29,1. By using Wilcoxon showed ρvalue = 0,000 <α =
0.05 so it can be concluded there was no differences in the ability of families in caring for people
with mental disorders before and after psychoeducation family. The solutions that can be given to
the family of this research is expected be an input for family members of patients who have a mental
disorder experience on the importance of knowledge and information about mental illness on the
family's ability to care for patients mental disorders.
Keywords: Mental Disorders, Psychoeducation, Family Ability, Knowledge.
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