Base Line Survey on Implementation of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)
in Meat Processing Factories in Khartoum State, Sudan
Nagmadeen Idrees Mohammed1 and Atif Elamin Abdelgadir2*
Page No. 74-87
implementation of good manufacturing practices (GMP), and its related risk factors. GMP is
considered an important system used in food safety, and associated with minimum sanitary and
processing requirements for food industry. The data were collected by means of a questionnaire
survey administered to 40 respondents from eight factories in Khartoum state which were selected
using a multi stage – cluster sampling method. A description of the respondents with regard to the
implementation of GMP revealed that most of them were female 62.5% (n = 25) and the age group
of 25-35 years was most frequent 75% (n = 30). 82.5% (n=33) of the respondents graduated from
secondary schools and 90% (n=36) working in production lines, respectively. Moreover, a low
percentage of 20% (n=8), obtained for training on Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point
(HACCP) and GMP as well as most of them with working experience of 1-2 years given a
percentage of 42% (n=17).On the other hand, results of the GMP survey in plants and facilities
revealed that; sanitation and hygiene practice was limited to 45% (n=18). Fore- instance a
percentage of 27.5% (n=11) was recorded for waste and offal treatment but 55% (n=22) use
ventilation and lighting, respectively. The similar observation was obtained for water and electric
supply in 37.5% (n=15) plants and facilities and 42.5% (n=17) apply pest control and pesticides.
Regarding personal hygiene practices, such as hands washing, clothing's and personal belonging
the number of plants were also very limited 27.5% (n=11),25% (n=10), respectively. Furthermore,
observation on sanitation procedures was also not good, and found in 45.5% (n=17); 35.5% (n=14)
were recorded for sanitation of food contact surfaces and training on sanitation. Furthermore, a
low percentage was also recorded in the GMP survey for equipment and utensils; 32.5% (n=13)
have equipment wash area and 40% (n=16) equipment sanitation.In conclusion, the present study
revealed that the good manufacturing practices (GMP) system in meat processing factories in
Khartoum state presents still a great challenge. Hence, good hygiene practices should be applied
throughout the preparation chain, so that the meat and products can be safe for human
Keywords: Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), Meat Processing Factories, Sudan
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