Fitriah1, Nursalam2, Rachmad Hargono3, Ahsan4,Mustofa Haris5
Page 39-48
Madurese is well known for strong religious value, yet the premarital sexual behavior cases is in
fact, quite high. Families must have resilience in guiding adolescents in completing the development
tasks which competed with cultural development and social structures changes. The purpose of this
study was to determine the influence of family resilience-Madurese cultural based on the families
preventive effectiveness toward adolescents premarital sexual behavior.This study used analytic
observational with cross sectional approach. The target population was Madurese adolescents.
They were who who educated at the high school level in 424 schools in Bangkalan, Sampang,
Pamekasan and Sumenep in 2016. The samples in this study were students who educated at the high
school level, represented by both Public and Private High School (SMA) and Public Vocational
School (SMK), Public Islamic School (Madrasah Aliyah) and Boarding Islamic School
(Pesantren)where taken by cluster random sampling. The analysis used SEM analysis with PLS.The
results showed that the cultural and social structures were influenced significantly toward family
resilience and family preventive onadolescents premarital sexual behavior. Family resilience-
Madurese cultural based was influenced significantly toward family prevention on adolescents
premarital sexual behavior.The religious value of Madurese identity need to always be taught to
adolescents as a guide for social interaction.Thus, adolescents will not easily be influenced by the
negative impacts of cultural development and social structures changes.
Keywords: Family Resilience, cultural and social structures, premarital sexual.
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