Network on Chip Architectures
[1]*S.Sariga,[2] C.Nandagopal
Pagr No. 1-9
As the feature size is continuously decreasing and integration density is increasing, interconnections
have become a dominating factor in determining the overall quality of a chip. Due to the limited
scalability of system bus, it cannot meet the requirement of current Systemon-Chip (SoC)
implementations where only a limited number of functional units can be supported. Networkon-Chip
(NoC) architectures have been proposed to be an alternative to solve the above problems by using a
packet-based communication network. Moreover, as technology scales down in geometry and chips
scale up in complexity, NoC become the essential element to achieve the desired levels of
performance and quality of service while curbing power consumption levels.
Key words: Network on Chip, Globally AsynchronousLocally Synchronous (GALS), ANOC, Time
Division Multiplexed NOC, QNOC, Quality of Service (QoS)
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