Siti Nur Kholifah1*, Merriyana Adriani2, Ahsan3, Dwi Ananto Wibrata4 , Nursalam5
Page No. 1-7
Nursing care is a form of nurses’ performance. Community nursing care is implemented to build an
independent community which has yet optimally implemented (32%). Factors assumed to be the
caused were personal factors and commitment of nurses in performing community nursing care.
This study aimed to know the influence of personal factors and commitment on improving
nurses’community performance at Ponkesdes (Pondok Kesehatan Desa/Village’s Health Center) in
East Java.This type of study used analytic observational and used cross sectional design. The
population was nurse community who assigned in Ponkesdes in Blitar, Jember, Lamongan, and
Bangkalan of East Java. The total population was 2.910 nurses. Total sample was 117 respondents
to use the multistage sampling technique. The dependent variable was a nurses’ performance in
performing community nursing care, while the independent variables were personal factors and
commitment. The statistical test used Partial Least Square (PLS).The results of the study obtained
after conducting the statistical test was the commitment factor has influenced performance (TStatistics:
2.52), personal factors influenced performance (T-Statistics: 4.81), while personal factors
also influenced commitment factor (T-Statistics: 15.83). Overall, the nurses’ performance was
strongly influenced by personal factors and commitment of the nurse. Personal factors will affect
the formation of positive attitudes and the process of adaptation of nurses with its environment.
Nurses also need to have a commitment accompanied by an awareness act to improve its
performance in implementing the nursing care. Personal factors will affect the formation of positive
attitudes and the process of adaptation of nurses with its environment. Nurses also need to have a
commitment accompanied by an awareness act to improve its performance in implementing the
nursing care.
Keywords: Personal, commitment, nurse, care, community.
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