Extramedullarry nasal plasmocytoma: a case report
Mohamed MLIHA TOUATI *(1), Mehdi CHIHANI(1), Youssef DAROUASSI(1), Abdelfettah
Al JALIL (1), Khalid TOURABI(2), Ismail Essadi (3), Brahim BOUAITY(1), Haddou
Page No. 84-88
The solitary plasmacytoma of the nasal cavity is one of the locations of extra-medullary
plasmacytoma in the upper aerodigestive tract. The symptoms are nonspecific. We report a case of
solitary plasmacytoma of the left nasal cavity, in a 46 year old patient with a straight nasal
deformity and ipsilateral rhinorrhea bloody, biopsy and histologic study were diagnosed
plasmacytoma. The negativity of the clinical examination confirmed the extramedullary form a
nasal endo location. Through this observation and review of the literature we will try to show the
clinical, biological and radiological expression of these plasmocytomas endonasaux and
therapeutic modalities and monitoring.
Keyword : extramedullary plasmacytoma, nasal cavity.
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