Haematological investigation in Black kites, Milvus migrans govinda in
Bundelkhand region, India
Ragni Gupta*1 and Amita Kanaujia2
Page No. 33-43
As a top consumer in food chains, raptors forage over large geographical areas and so might be
expected to accumulate environmental toxicants. Total of 12 birds Milvus migrans govinda were
collected from 2007-2011 for occurrence of blood parasites and effect of toxicants on haematology.
Only 6 Kites were found suitable for preparation of blood smears. Haematozoan parasites were not
found from any of 6 Milvus migrans govinda examined from Bundelkhand region. The blood was
collected from wing veins in fresh dead eagles by using 2 ml syringe and needle. Feathers in the
axillary region were plucked to isolate wing vein and the site was disinfected by 70% methylated
ethanol. The blood smears were prepared, air dried, fixed with methanol, stained with Giemsa and
examined for blood parasites. The haematological values obtained from the Black Kites, Milvus
migrans govinda were within the range of healthy raptors. Absence of blood parasites in Milvus
migrans govinda is also striking, considering that they have a strong preening behaviour against
ectoparasites which are vectors of haematozoa. Present study on Milvus migrans govinda will be
important for future comparisons of population health in Bundelkhand region.
Key-word : Raptors, Haematological, Bundelkhand region, Preening, Haematozoa.
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