Liver cirrhosis: what reality in our context? In the experience of Gastroenterology Hepato of the CHU Mohammed VI Marrakech
Z. Samlani-Sebbane, A. Ait Errami* , S.Oubaha, K.Krati
Page No. 38-43
In order to study the characteristics of liver cirrhosis in gatroenterologic department, we did a
retrospective study between January 2007 and December 2015, including 224 cases of liver
cirrhosis. The median age of our patients was 53, 7 years with feminine predominancy. The
circumstances of discovery were complications of cirrhosis in 45 cases. Diagnosis was made in
almost every case with associations of clinical, morphological and endoscopical arguments,
histologic diagnosis was made in 6 cases. The etiologic assessment could be carried out only
among 175 patients. The liver cirrhosis causes were distributed as followed: 68 cases of cirrhosis
post C hepatitis, 47 cases of post B hepatitis, 21 cases of associated B and C hepatitis, tow cases of
autoimmune cirrhosis, three other case of ethylic and four cases of primitive biliary cirrhosis. An
unknown origin was in 79 cases. The treatment was especially symptomatic. Etiologic therapy was
done in 41 cases: antiviral treatment in 35 cases, immunosuppressive therapy in tow cases,
ursodesoxycolic in four cases. The prognosis of patients was related to cirrhosis complications. sex
patients were died; we lost sight of few patients (37%). We insist on the importance of the early
tracking of the carriers of the virus B and especially among pregnant women and also on the
importance of the early diagnosis of liver cirrhosis allowing to established a specific preventive
treatment of the etiologies allowing reducing the complications.
Key words: liver cirrhosis, diagnosis, etiology, treatment.
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