Design and Implementation of a Bridgeless Interleaved Boost Converter for Plug- in Hybrid Electric Vehicles
Vommi Nithin1 P.Siva Priya2 Dr.R.Seyezhai3 K.Vigneshwar4 N.Siva Sumanth5
Page No. 1-11
Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs) employs an AC-DC power electronic converter at the front
charging end of the vehicle. This converter induces harmonics and distorts the supply current due
to the presence of non-linear devices in its topology. Moreover, it leads to poor supply factor and
degrades the efficiency of the system. Therefore, it is vital to develop a Power Factor Correction
(PFC) circuit to enhance the effective performance of the charger. This paper mainly focuses on
the simulation and prototype implementation of a two-phase Bridgeless Interleaved Boost
Converter for improving the supply power factor. Simulation o fthe proposed circuit is acrried out
uisng MATLAB/SIMULINK. Experimental studies are carried out to verify the simulation results.
Keywords : Hybrid Electric Vehicles, AC-DC Converter, Bridgeless Interleaved, Power Factor
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