Laser irradiation effect on the optical properties of Se8.05 S5.15Te12.8 and Se87.41 S4.03 In 8.56
M.M.El-zaidia[1*a], Z.H.El-Gohary[1b], M.S.AboGhazala[1c] and E.Rabea[1d].
Page No. 6-14
The amorphous nature of the green thin film samples Se8.05 S5.15 Te12.8 and Se87.41S4.03In 8.56 was
confirmed by X-ray and SEM. The glass transition range and the melting transition range were
characterized by onset temperature and offset temperature for each sample. The crystallization
temperature for each sample was fixed specified temperature. The two thin film samples were suffer
from photo-darkening and photo-bleaching under the effect of laser beam irradiation. This may
lead to some type of phase transformation under the effect of laser beam irradiation.
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