Gardner-Diamond syndrome: psychogenicillness withimmuno-inflammatory component
Hanane ATARGUINE[1*] , MD, OuafaHOCAR,MD[1b], PhD, Nadia AKHDARI[1c] ,MD, PhD, Said AMAL[1d],MD, PhD
Page No. 1-5
Gardner-Diamond syndrome also known as auto erythrocyte sensitization syndrome is an extremely
rare disorder characterized by the spontaneous appearance of painful bruises that may interest all
parts of the body.We report a rare case of this syndrome in association with Sjögren syndrome in a
24-year-old woman , who had an angioedema during the follow-up. Although Gardner-Diamond
syndrome is not classified as self-inflammatory, it has been described in association with certain
auto immune or inflammatory diseases:systemic lupus erythematosus, immune complex nephrit is,
hypocomplementaemia, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, lymphadeno pathyangio-immuno
plastique and the presence of anticardiolip in antibodies.The association of this syndrome with
immunological and inflammatory abnormalities, assuggested in our case, requires further study.
Key words: Gardner-Diamond ,Gougerot-Sjögren , angioedema.
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