Spectroscopy of positronium in nanomaterials
Andrey P.Gorbyk1 , Sergey I. Pokutnyi
Page no. 52-63
The theory of positronium states in a spherical nanopore localized in solid matrices is developed. Theoretical researches are carried out in energy spectrum and binding energy of positronium in a nanopore and their dependences on the nanopore radius a under conditions of contributing largely the polarization interaction of positronium with a spherical “nanopore-matrix” interface. The question is discussed connected with the possibility of experimental observation of the states of positronium localized in a nanopore. The new method is proposed for optical spectroscopic determination of nanopore sizes a in materials, based on comparison of experimental absorption (radiation, reflection) spectra of positronium in nanopores with theoretical dependences of energy spectra of positronium on radius a of nanopores.
Key words: parapositronium states, energy spectrum of positronium, binding energy of positronium, Coulomb and polarization interaction, optical spectra, nanopores
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