Superatoms in quasi – zero – dimensional nanostructures
Sergey I. Pokutnyi1, Petr P. Gorbyk2
Page no. 44-47
This review summarizes the results of theoretical studies of superatoms (or artificial atoms) – nanodimensional quasiatomic structures formed from spatially separated electrons and holes (hole moving in the volume of a semiconductor (dielectric) quantum dot and an electron localized on the outer spherical interface between the quantum dot and a dielectric matrix). It is shown that out of these superatoms can construct quasimolecules and quasicrystals that have pre-determined physical and chemical properties. The possibility of experimental study superatoms and their role in a variety of physical and chemical phenomena, as well as in technical applications.
Keywords: superatom, spatially separated electron and hole, quantum dots, quasimolecules, quasicrystals
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