Interband absorption of semiconductor quantum dots
Sergey I. Pokutnyi*, Kostyantyn A. Chornyi
Page No. 8-13
A theory of the interband absorption of cadmium sulfide quantum dots developed under conditions
when the polarization interaction of an electron and a hole with the surface of a quantum dots is
importance. A comparison of the theory and experiment is used to determine the average radii a of
cadmium sulfide quantum dots dispersed in a jelly matric.
Keywords: interband absorption, nanocrystals, polarization and Coulomb interaction, electron,
hole, exciton, quantum dots.
PACS: 71.15.Qe, 71.35.-y, 73.30.Mf, 73.21.La, 73.22.Lp, 78.20.Bh, 78.20.Jq
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