Investigation of Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) leaf for its phenolic composition and antioxidant activity
Ramesh Joshi[1], Mansi Choudhary[1a] , Sudesh Kumar2[2]
Page No. 65-69
Fenugreek seed is an important source of steroidal sapogenins such as diosgenin which are used
extensively by both pharmaceutical and nutraceutical industries. Diosgenin is often used as a raw
precursor for the production of steroidal drugs and hormones. Biochemical estimation for phenolic
contents and antioxidant potential were analyzed in leaves of five certified varieties of fenugreek
namely: GM-2, RMT-305, Rajendra Kranti (RK), Pant Ragini (PR) and Hissar Mukta (HM). Variety
GM-2 and HM exhibited highest phenol (5.2±0.20mg/gmdwt.) and flavonoid (21.38±0.17
mg/gmdwt.) contents. Among all the varieties RK exhibited highest (70.94±2.0%) percentage of
DPPH scavenging activity followed by GM-2, HM, RMT-305 and poorest in PR. In our study no
linear correlation was observed between total phenols and flavonoid contents and antioxidant
activities in the leaf extracts of all the varieties of fenugreek. The data of our study showed that the
phenolic compounds are higher in leaf extract of variety GM-2 and HM but variety RK exhibited
strongest antioxidant capacity, percentage DPPH discoloration and lowest IC50 value.
Key words: Antioxidant, Fenugreek, Trigonella foenum- graecum, Fabaceae, Phenol, Flavonoid
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