Woody plant composition and stand structure of Daterium woodland in Pandam Wildlife Park, Plateau State, Nigeria
Unanaonwi, Okpo Esio[1] , Amonum. Joseph Igba[2]
Page No. 48-55
Most efforts towards species conservation are focused on declining populations with less emphasis
on dominant species. This has resulted to a once dominant species in a forest ecosystem becoming
endangered or at the verge of extinction. The study examined the woody plant composition and
stand structure of Detarium woodland in order to ascertain the conservation need of the species
and other woody plants in Pandam wildlife Park, Plateau State, Nigeria. Four sample plots
(250x10m each) were randomly established across the Daterium woodland .Total enumeration of
woody plants species of dbh 10cm and above at breast height (dbh 1.4 m) and height of trees were
measured. Girth at breast height was measured using a meter tape. Tree height was measured by
angular pace method. Descriptive statistics and Simpson Index of Diversity was used in analyzing
the data. Results show that the woodland composed of 11 species belonging to six botanical
families. The studied samples contained 173 individuals which is 245 trees/ha with Detarium
microcapium having 56.65% total species percentage. The most diverse plant families were
Leguminosea (3 species) and Combretaceae (3 species). Vitellaria paradoxa has the largest mean
girth (76.6cm) and also recorded the tallest with mean height of 23.1m. Detarium microcapium and
Vitellaria paradoxa are currently undergoing cutting pressure in the woodland due to their use
values by the communities. Conservation strategies should be vigorously pursued by the Park
management to protect these species.
Key words: Species Dominance, Local Communities, Cutting Pressure; Declining Population,
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