Coarctation of the aorta in adults with double superior vena cava: a case report
A. Rbaibi [1a]; M. Chtioui [1b]; A. El Kharras [2]; N. Fellat [3]; N. Zemraoui [4]
Page No. 11-17
Coarctation of the aorta is an isthmus stenosis of the aorta, which is rarely seen in adults. It affects
1/5000 newborns, with a male predominance. It is associated in most cases with other diseases such
as bicuspid aortic valve, dystrophic aneurysm of the ascending aorta, mitral regurgitation or
coronary insufficiency. The association in a double superior vena cava is rare. If conventional
treatment is surgical resection suture proposed since 1945. It is considered today that after this
treatment the patients are not cured and require special attention. Endovascular treatment has been
used for years in children. It is indicated mainly in case of recoarctation. In adults, this technique
has had a lot of progress in recent years. Indeed, in case of native coarctation with favorable
anatomy, angioplasty with placement of a stent has become the treatment of choice in many centers.
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