Transient stability of 11-bus system using SVC and improvement of voltage profile in transmission line using series compensator
Ramlal Das[1], Dr D.K. Tanti[2]
Page No. 27-40
Power system stability is defined as the ability of power system to preserve its steady stability or
recover the initial steady state after any deviation of the system’s operation. Present time power
systems are being operated nearer to their stability limits due to economic and environmental
reasons. Maintaining a stable and secure operation of a power system is therefore a very important
and challenging issue. Transient stability has been given much attention by power system
researchers and planners in recent years, and is being regarded as one of the major sources of
power system insecurity. Shunt FACTS devices play an important role in improving the transient
stability, increasing transmission capacity and damping low frequency oscillations. In this work 11-
bus power system network has been modeled using MATLAB SIMULINK software. The power
system network under study consist of three units of power plant each producing 20 KV and step up
by two winding transformer to 230 KV. For parallel operation of two different power plants, the
frequency and the terminal voltage has been kept constant to avoid circulating current in the
existing network. A Static VAR Compensator and a series compensator have been used in the
considered network for improving the transient stability and to increase the transmission capacity
of the system.
Keywords: Power System Stability, Transient Stability, SVC, Series Compensator
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