Bipolar Disorder Association and Neuro-Behçet: What links?
About a clinical case BipolarDisorder and Neuro-Behçetdisease: What links? A case report
A. Benali[1], F. Oueriagli[2], A. Laffinti[3], I. Adali[4], F. Manoudi[5], F. Asri[6]
Page No. 14-17
Behcet's diseaseisis an idiopathic chronicrelapsing multisystem vascular-inflammatory disease of
unknown origin. It affects mainly young patients and evolves in spurts. Its prevalenceis variable.
Psychiatric symptoms have been reported in half of patients with neuro-Behçet.
These symptoms are nonspecific and insufficiently studied. We report a 40 year old patient without
psychiatric history, who presented anacute mania. During the initial management, exploration of
new-onset neurological symptoms pose the diagnosis of Neuro-Behçet. We discuss twoh ypothesis:
the fortuitous association with bipolar disorder and Behçet's disease versus a maniac episode
induced by this systemic disease.
Keywords: Bipolar disorder, Neuro-Behçet etiologic link
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