Iron malabsorption and giardiasis in adults: about a case
El Mezouari E.[1], Zoubeir Y.[2], Moutaj R.[1]
Page No. 1-4
Malabsorption is an intestinal defect of nutrient absorption, it can be generalized affecting all
nutrients, or selective for some nutrient. Iron deficiency due to malabsorption is generally seen if
there is important alteration of the intestinal mucosa. However, some aetiologies are associated
with minimal morphologic changes of the intestinal mucosa as is the case of our patient. We report
a case of a young man having severe anaemic syndrome. The laboratory tests show iron deficiency,
intestinal biopsy show Giardia intestinalis infection. Through this case, with review of the literature
we will discuss what to do in front of an iron malabsorption syndrome.
Keywords : intestinal malabsorption – iron – Giardia intestinalis
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