A Mathematical Model for n-Species Competition for Aphid Population in Limited Resources
Alok Singh[1a], Savita Singh[1b], Rajan K Sharma[2], P.K. Singh[2a], Aditya Kumar[3]
Page no. 119-123
In this paper, a mathematical model is discussed for the competition in to n-species aphid population for a limited resource and their limiting behavior as time approaches infinity. Aphids are among the most conspicuous and important pests in the green houses and the fields. Aphids which excrete honeydew and the area covered by saliva at time which forms a weak cover on the leaf surface preventing the individuals from further sucking and movement and so causing deaths due to starvation, therefore rapid increase of mortality rate to the environment by honeydew excretions of aphids. Analytically, it has been shown that how aphid population increases or decreases with time ‘t’.
Keywords: Aphids, Environment, Population dynamics, Limited resources, Voltra model, Species
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