Bioactivity of Active Extracts of The Root And Stem Bark of (Detarium microcarpum)
H.M. Adamu[1], O.A.Ushie[2] B. D.Longbap[2] ,R.J Kuburat and U. Lawal [2]
Page No. 31-39
Bioactivity of the acetylated extracts of the root and stem bark of Detarium mirocarpum was done.
The procedure employed includes extraction of the bark and root of the plant with different solvents
in order of polarity; hexane, acetone, methanol and water, solvent- solvent purification method was
carried out for further purification of the extract using different solvents in order of increasing
polarity; hexane, methyl acectate, dichloromethane, acetone, and methanol. Acetone and methanol
extract were acetylated and were test on some microorganisms to determine the activity of the
acetylated extracts.
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