Thermal Expansion and Electrical Conductivity of the Nd1–xSmxBa2–ySryCu3O7–d Cuprates Solid Solutions at Elevated Temperatures
Andrey I. Klyndyuk[1], Alexander A. Savitsky[2]
Page no. 1-10
It has been found that Nd1–xSmxBa2–ySryCu3O7–d solid solutions at substitution up to 62,5 mol. % of
barium by strontium at any substitution degree of neodymium by samarium are formed. The crystal
structure parameters of Nd1–xSmxBa2–ySryCu3O7–d cuprates have been determined and their oxygen
nonstoichiometry, thermal expansion and electrical conductivity within 300–1100 K have been
investigated. On the dilatometric curves of cuprates (a = f(T), Dl/l0 = f(T)) near 450–550, 800 and
1000 K the anomalies have been observed, which are connected with change of ordering degree
and concentration of oxygen vacancies in the CuO1–d–layers of the crystal structure of Nd1–xSmxBa2–
ySryCu3O7–d phases. It has been found that electrical conductivity activation energy of Nd1–xSmxBa2–
ySryCu3O7–d at d increasing in tetra–phase (d > 0,5) increased stronger than in ortho–phase
(d < 0,5).
Keywords: Layered perovskites, high-temperature superconductors, solid solutions, crystal structure,
existence region, thermal expansion, electrical conductivity.
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