Water Cycle Algorithm For Solving Optimal Reactive Power Dispatch Problem
K. Lenin [1], Dr.B.Ravindranath Reddy[2] ,Dr.M.Surya Kalavathi[3]
Page No. 1-11
In this paper, a new approach, called water cycle algorithm (WCA) used for solving optimal
reactive power dispatch problem. The design of the WCA as an optimization algorithm was
imitative from nature & after probing the whole water cycle process which involves the flow of
streams and rivers into the sea in the natural world.The proposed (WCA) algorithm has been tested
on standard IEEE 30 bus test system and simulation results shows clearly about the superior
performance of the proposed algorithm in dropping the real power loss.
Key Words : Optimal Reactive Power, Transmission loss, voltage stability, Water Cycle
Algorithm, Bio-inspired algorithm.
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