Energy Savings in Mobile Adhoc NETworks (MANET) Using Routing Protocols
Ramprakash S[1], Jayaraj S[2], Vigneswaran S[3]
Page No. 154-160
Reducing the energy consumption of wireless mobile adhoc network devices is paramount to a wide
spread adoption of mobile applications. Energy saving is an important issue in Mobile AdHoc
Networks (MANETs).To maximize the lifetime of an adhoc network it is essential to prolong each
individual node(mobile) life through minimizing the total transmission energy consumption for
each communication request. This paper identifies the necessary features of an on-demand
minimum energy routing protocol. To fully and fairly study the performance of these different
energy-related routing metrics or routing protocols, we implement all of them in the most popular
network simulator (NS-2), using the same underlying ad hoc routing protocol (AODV). We conduct
a complete set of simulations to evaluate these protocols.The most similar works in the literature
are compared three different energy efficient routing protocols with minimum-hop routing protocol
using their own simulators, In this paper, we implement a greater number of energy efficient
protocols we use AODV as the base protocol; we use NS-2; The result is a thorough, informative
Keywords : Energy Saving, Routing Protocols, MANET
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