Combined Operation of PSS And SVC For Power System Transient Stability Enhancement
Bableshkumarjha[1], Ramjee Prasad Gupta[2], Dr. Upendra Prasad[3]
Page No. 134-144
In this paper, improvement of transient stability by coordination of PSS (Power System Stabilizer)
and SVC (Static var Compensator) has been observed. For this purpose a 9 bus multi machine
system has been considered. Transient stability improvement has been tested subjected to three
phase fault at bus 7 after 0.5 second and fault has been cleared after 1 second. By the use of PSS
and SVC for the test system the electromechanical oscillation for generator electrical power has
been reduced and the steady state power transfer has been enhanced.
Keywords : Transient stability, ETAP, PSS, Exicter,SVC.
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