Performance Based Tolerance Scheme For Mechanism
S.D.Shelare[1], C. C. Handa[2]
Page No. 117-125
This paper deals with the analysis of crank and slotted mechanism that converts rotary motion into
reciprocating motion at different rate for its working stroke and return stroke. A CAD model of
synthesized link lengths has been prepared to simulate the mechanism and to specify the accurate
path of the mechanism which would provides the actual position of the slider against the crank
rotation. Software is developed using programming language C-# which is very useful for synthesis
and sensitivity analysis of crank and slotted mechanism. Software package will be helpful for
manufacturing industries to get accurate performance in minimum manufacturing cost. Software
also provides the optimized scheme of tolerance for desired permissible variation in output.
Keywords : Return Mechanism, Synthesis, Sensitivity Analysis, Tolerance scheme.
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